Home improvement commercial loans
Provision of loans to its members is the main business of KKMF and it is what is demanded most by its members. Since its inception kkmf operations, a market research was done.
- Should be a member with KKMF.
- Should have operated an ordinary savings account for at least 3 months.
- Collateral Securities, 2 guarantors Bank and home guarantors (where applicable), spouse consent (if applicable).
- Should be in areas of our operation.
- Interest rate is 3% per month calculated on reducing balance method.
- Loan period of 1 months to 24 months.
- Interest rate is 3% per month calculated on reducing balance method.
- Minimum amount of 100,000 and maximum of 50,000,000 for individuals.
- Commercial houses.
- Personal/Residential
The minimum loan amount is 500.000/= and maximum is 50.000.000/= the loan period for this product is 12 to 24 months. Interest rate is 3% per month on reducing balance basis. It is attached to shares at a ratio of 1:10/=.